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Do You Know the answer of the above Question? Tell Me Why Questions.Blogspot.Com will give you the answer of the same Question. Read and Understand them and Improve your Knowledge... The skin is simply the most amazing packing material we can think of. Just have a look at some of its functions:
The skin provides the body with a covering that is airtight, waterproof and when unbroken a bar to harmful bacteria.
The pigment or colouring matter of the skin screens out certain harmful rays of the sun.
The skin helps to regulate the temperature of the body. When the body surface is cold, the blood vessels in the skin contract and force blood deeper into the body. This prevents the body from losing much heat by radiation. When the body is too warm the same blood vessels expand and bring more blood to the surface of the skin. This allows the body to lose heat by radiation. Also, the sweat glands pour out perspiration. The perspiration evaporates, and since evaporation is a cooling process, the skin is further cooled.
When perspiration flows out of the pores, it carries with it certain dissolved body wastes.
The skin is a sence organ because there are many nerve endings in the skin.
Although people do not ordinarily consider the skin to be an organ of the body, you can see by its structure and all the things it performs for the body that really is an organ.
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