
What kind of bird are penguins?

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Penguins are also bird that cannot fly. Penguins swim very well and spent most of their lives in the sea. The emperor penguin is the largest penguin. The emperor penguin lives in colonies on packed ice in Antarctica. This penguin keeps itself warm in the harsh and environment because it has a thick layer of blubber (fat) and insulated down (feathers).
Penguins have shiny, waterproof feathers that help keep their skin dry. They have more feathers that most other birds - about 70 features per square inch. Each year penguins moult, losing their old feathers and growing new one.
The emperor penguin is up to 1.1 metre tall and weight up to 30 kg. This is about half the size of an adult person. Males and females look very similar. Like all Penguins, Emperor Penguins have a big head, a short thick neck, a streamlined shape, a short wedge shaped tail and tiny flipper like wings. They have webbed feet, which they used for swimming. Penguins are counder shaded-they have a lighter colour on the belly and dark colour on their back. This unusual colouration helps camouflage them when they are in the water and hides them from predators.

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