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Do You Know the answer of the above Question? Tell Me Why Questions.Blogspot.Com will give you the answer of the same Question. Read and Understand them and Improve your Knowledge... The spinal cord extends downward from the medulla through the protecting bony rings of the spinal column. The cord is cylindrical in shape, with an outer covering of supporting cells and blood vessels and an inner, H-shaped core of nerve fibers. The spinal cord extends through four-fifths the length of the spine, and is a little longer in men than women.
Twelve pairs of nerves branch off the spinal cord and pass through the base of the skull into the brain. Thirty one other pairs branch off the spinal cord throughout its length. These nerve branches run to all the organs of the body, where they branch again, until the smallest branches are nerves which are so thin that they cannot be seen with the unaided eye.
Nerves that extend upward from the spinal cord to the brain pass through the medulla where they cross. Thus, the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, while the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
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