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Without light, there would be no life. Plants need light to produce food through the . process known as photosyn thesis. Light is the only way for plants to get the energy to grow. Animals depend on plants for their food, either directly, or indirectly. Human beingstooeat plants, oranimals that eat plants. Without light, all the plants on Earth would die - and animals and people would be left without food, and would die too.
Light is also important because it gives the Earth the warmth needed to support different forms of life.
Some living creatures like fireflies create their own light. Others, like Man, have learnt to create artificial light when natural light is not available.
Light lets us see things. Without any light, we would see nothing at all.
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Without light, there would be no life. Plants need light to produce food through the . process known as photosyn thesis. Light is the only way for plants to get the energy to grow. Animals depend on plants for their food, either directly, or indirectly. Human beingstooeat plants, oranimals that eat plants. Without light, all the plants on Earth would die - and animals and people would be left without food, and would die too.
Light is also important because it gives the Earth the warmth needed to support different forms of life.
Some living creatures like fireflies create their own light. Others, like Man, have learnt to create artificial light when natural light is not available.
Light lets us see things. Without any light, we would see nothing at all.
Tell Me Why Questions for preschoolers | Tell Me Why science questions | Tell Me Why science questions and answers | Tell Me Why answers to hundreds of question | Tell Me Why Questions and Answers | Tell Me Why Questions | Questions on Tell Me Why |
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