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We have learned that the blood carries nourishment to all the cells in the body. This nourishment comes from the food we eat. Certainly, food as we put it into our mouths could not be carried by the blood. Food has to be greatly changed, before it is able to nourish the tissues. This pro cess of change is called diges tion.
The mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine form a con tinuous tube about thirty feet long called the alimen tary canal. Food passes through the alimentary ca nal during the process of digestion. The liver and the pancreas, two large glands, are also important in the di gestion of food. The alimen tary canal and these two glands make up the body's digestive system.
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We have learned that the blood carries nourishment to all the cells in the body. This nourishment comes from the food we eat. Certainly, food as we put it into our mouths could not be carried by the blood. Food has to be greatly changed, before it is able to nourish the tissues. This pro cess of change is called diges tion.
The mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine form a con tinuous tube about thirty feet long called the alimen tary canal. Food passes through the alimentary ca nal during the process of digestion. The liver and the pancreas, two large glands, are also important in the di gestion of food. The alimen tary canal and these two glands make up the body's digestive system.
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