
When did mankind first start recording historical events of significance?

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Recorded history started about the same time in Egypt and Sumer. The sumerians had  established small city states in lower Mesopotamia by the end of 4th millennium BC. But it was in Egypt that the first national state with a centralised government was set up about 3000 BC.

The establishment of these first civilized states was preceded by millennia of gradual cultural development of the human race. Although no written records exist to inform us of decisive milestones, some of the basic discoveries made during that long remote period laid the foundations for the latter achievements of civilization. Man in the old stone age was a food gatherer who obtained his food chiefly by hunting. During the new stone age he became a food producer. Agriculture began although how and where remains unknown to us. But what has aptly been called the Neolithic Revolution laid the foundations of civilization. The use of fire can be traced back to 3000 BC. How and when language first began is beyond our knowing but such complex undertaking as cave art suggest that it must surely how existed in some form in Paleolithic era.

Who showed the first seed corn made the first earthen pot, worked the first metal, sailed the first boat, wrought the first wheel, must remain forever unknown. Yet these acts involving new concepts initiated the long technological development which lead to the latter achievements of civilized living. Hence we must recognize that though their exact date is unknown, there were many great milestones in the story of man long before history, as sach began.

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