
What are metals, and why are they such an important part of our lives?

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If you look around you you are sure to see something made of metal. It may be the key to your home, or a car on the road. But what exactly are metals? Pure metals are chemical elements or substances that cannot be broken down into other substances. There more than 100 chemical ments, and most of them are metals.
A giant sculpture in Chicago which is inspired
by a droplet of mercury 
We can say that metals are chemical elements that are hard and strong, reflect light when they Shine, and are good conductors of heat and electricity. They can be made into useful shapes without breaking or cracking, and can be oxidized, which means they can combine with oxygen and other non-metals. Some metals are light, and some are heavy. Some metals are malleable which means that they can be stretched and pulled. Other metals are ductile, which means they can be hammered and squeezed.

Metals are used in hundreds of items from Safety pins to aeroplanes, and they play an important part in our daily lives. Try to think what it would be like if we didn't have metals. Life would be very difficult, wouldn't it?

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